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Bryan Insurance Agency, LLC

287 Windsor Hwy, Suite 350
New Windsor, NY 12553

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Can Home Insurance Cover Lodging During Repairs?

At Bryan Insurance Agency LLC in New Windsor, NY, we know that the process of making repairs to your home after a natural disaster or other qualifying event can bring many unknowns. For many of us, those unknowns are a scary part of making repairs that we might not consider. Although it might be easiest to stick our heads in the sand and forget about the looming stresses associated with making home repairs, it’s necessary to think about these details when planning to fix a significant aspect of our home. 

Some repairs on the home, such as tweaking a leaky faucet, don’t require us to do much more than schedule the repair with maintenance personnel. Others, such as replacing large damaged interior sections, might mean that we can’t live in our home while it’s being repaired. In this case, you may wonder if your home insurance may be able to cover the costs of lodging. While every insurance policy has its own terms and limits, we may be able to answer this question generally below.

Can Home Insurance Cover Lodging During Repairs?

If the repairs are related to a qualifying event, your home insurance policy might be able to cover temporary lodging while the home is being repaired. Depending on how long you’ll need coverage, this can look like hotel stays or short-term apartments. Before you book the hotel and assume your insurance will cover it, you should speak with an agent and review your policy to see how to get coverage if it qualifies. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with a bill you can’t pay.

For more information on home insurance, call Bryan Insurance Agency LLC in New Windsor, NY, today!


Three Tips for a Great Auto Insurance Policy

Getting the best auto insurance policy for your needs is very important, but you might not be sure of the right way to do that. If you’re in the New Windsor, NY area and looking for an auto policy, Bryan Insurance Agency LLC is here to help. Working with an insurance agent can make it easier for you to get your questions answered and choose the policy that’s going to give you the right coverage and the best value at the same time. Here are three tips to get a good policy.

  1. Understand the different types of car insurance to get the coverage you need.
  2. Review your coverage every year and any time you have a significant life change that could affect your insurance requirements.
  3. Trust your agent to shop around and give you options from several insurers for quality and value.

Many people choose the minimum coverage options for the state and then don’t think about their insurance again, but that’s not always the best choice. Both important considerations are how much coverage you need and whether you should have more than just liability protection. If your vehicle is financed, you also have to ensure you’re keeping the lienholder’s required level of coverage on it.

No matter what you’re considering regarding your auto insurance policy, Bryan Insurance Agency LLC can help if you’re in the New Windsor, NY area. Our trusted agents understand that you have questions about your vehicle insurance, and we want to make sure you get those questions answered. Additionally, you need to review and update your coverage periodically, and that’s much easier with an agent to provide help and suggestions for your vehicle protection needs.

Protecting What Matters: Insights and Tips on Life Insurance

Life insurance is one of the best ways to have peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones will be protected if you pass away. If you’re in or near the New Windsor, NY area, Bryan Insurance Agency LLC can help you find the right policy and coverage level for your needs. Here’s what to consider when choosing this type of insurance.

What You Need to Know About Life Insurance

First, there’s more than one kind of life policy. Term life is designed to provide coverage for a set period, after which it will expire. The whole life doesn’t expire, but it will have more requirements to start the policy. You may have to undergo medical exams and have ongoing requirements to keep the policy in force, especially past a certain age.

Second, a whole life policy will cost more than a term life policy in most cases, and you may be able to use the accumulated value of a whole life policy in the future for medical care or other expenses, even while you’re still alive. A term policy doesn’t have any of those options and will need to be replaced with a different policy when the term expires.

Lastly, the level of coverage you choose should be based on what your loved ones will need if you pass away, based on your current family dynamic, age, and other factors. As you grow older, you may want to adjust your policy. This is also true of any significant life events you experience, such as getting married or having a child.

If you’re in the New Windsor, NY area and interested in talking to a trusted professional about life insurance, contact us at Bryan Insurance Agency LLC today. We’re here to help you find the right policy and more peace of mind.

Is Life Insurance A Type of Investment?

We know that investing is an important part of financial planning, but what qualifies as an investment? At Bryan Insurance Agency LLC, serving New Windsor, NY, and the surrounding areas, we want to help clients understand how insurance works into their investment plans. Keep reading to learn more about life insurance as an investment. 

Is Life Insurance an Investment?

Yes, life insurance can be considered a type of investment. Life insurance is different from other investments because this is not an investment you will benefit from directly. This is an investment that your beneficiary will benefit from in the event of your death. This is the type of investment you make on behalf of others. 

How Does Life Insurance Work?

When you purchase a life insurance policy, you will set it for a specific amount. This benefit amount is the amount of money that will be paid to your beneficiaries in the event of your death. You will pay a monthly premium for this insurance policy each month. 

Your beneficiary will file the benefit claim in the event of your death. The insurance company will then disperse the benefit amount to them. 

How Much Life Insurance Should I Purchase?

This is a very personal question, and the answer is based on many different factors. The easiest way to determine how much life insurance to purchase is to sit down with an insurance rep and discuss the specific details of your financial situation and your goals for your family. 

If you want to learn more about life insurance, please get in touch with us at Bryan Insurance Agency LLC, serving New Windsor, NY, and the surrounding areas. We will happily answer your questions and find the right products for you. 

Commercial insurance that every business can benefit from

Owning a business comes with a lot of risk. The chances of a business failing within the first ten years are extremely high. One way you can help mitigate the risks is to have the right commercial insurance. At Bryan Insurance Agency LLC in New Windsor, NY, we are an independent insurance agency that works for you to ensure you get the coverage you need for your particular business. 

Property insurance

Commercial property insurance is different from home property insurance. It combines the physical property itself and its contents, the things you use to do business. For a plumber, it might be tools, parts, and pipes. For a store, there can be inventory, registers, display units, etc. To return to operation, you need to have these things replaced quickly. This is the same for those who own the building and those who rent. 

Liability insurance

Being sued is one of the dangers that every business faces. Having liability protection can help your business to survive legal action against you. 

Business interruption insurance

Business interruption insurance can help your business if it is hit by a hazard covered by your policy. Your bills don’t stop just because no income is coming in. This can be the insurance that saves your business and allows you to be in good financial condition when you reopen. 

Workers compensation insurance

Just about every employee in the state of New York must be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. This includes full and part-time employees, seasonal or temporary employees, and family members. There are some exceptions. Talk to your insurance agent about whether you need this coverage. 

Call the Bryan Insurance Agency LLC in New Windsor, NY to discuss what types of commercial insurance can decrease your risk. 

Should i get home insurance for my New York property?

Owning a home can be a good idea for those in the New Windsor, NY area. When you are looking to buy a property in this part of New York, getting insurance for it is a top priority. There are various reasons that the typical property owner in this part of the state will want to have a home insurance plan. 

Meet Obligations

A reason to always have a home insurance plan here is so you can meet obligations. Most people buying a property in this part of New York will take out a mortgage. Others may even live within a home association that has additional rules to abide by. In either situation, you will likely have specific home insurance requirements that must always be met. 

Financial Protection and Support

Home insurance is also a good idea because it offers excellent financial protection and support. If you are going to buy a home, you will be making a significant long-term purchase that you will want to provide financial advantages. If you can purchase a new home insurance plan, you will receive various forms of financial protection. 

Getting home insurance when buying a property in the New Windsor, NY area is always beneficial. When you are looking for coverage here, calling our professionals with Bryan Insurance Agency LLC can be helpful. We know that there are a lot of questions to be answered and decisions to be made when looking for home insurance. Because of this, our team with Bryan Insurance Agency LLC is an excellent resource as they can offer customized advice and answer any questions you have. 

How to Handle an Accident with Your Auto Insurance Provider

Being involved in an auto accident can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. However, knowing how to handle the situation with your auto insurance company in New Windsor, NY can make the process smoother and less stressful. Here are some steps to take when managing an accident with Bryan Insurance Agency LLC:

Stay Calm

It is vital to remain calm and composed after an accident. Check yourself and any passengers for injuries and call for emergency services if needed.

Document the Accident

Please take photos of the accident scene, including the vehicle damage, and gather information from the other driver, such as their name, contact information, and insurance details.

Contact The Insurance Company

Contact your auto insurance company immediately to report the accident and no longer than 30 days. Provide the necessary details, such as the location, date, and time of the accident and the other driver’s information.

Follow Your Insurance Company’s Procedures

Your insurance company may have specific procedures that you need to follow after an accident. Be sure to follow these instructions to ensure that your claim is processed quickly and efficiently.

Provide Accurate Information

Provide accurate information about the accident to your insurance company. Be honest about any injuries or damages that occurred, as providing false information can lead to a denial of your claim.

Work with Your Insurance Company

Your insurance company will work with you to assess the damage to your vehicle and determine the appropriate course of action. This may include repairing or replacing your vehicle or settling any claims made against you.

Keep Records

Record all correspondence with your insurance company, including emails, phone calls, and letters. This will help you keep track of the progress of your claim and ensure that all necessary steps are taken.

In conclusion, handling an accident in New Windsor, NY with your auto insurance company requires you to stay calm, document the accident, contact your insurance company, follow their procedures, provide accurate information, and keep records. By following these steps, you can ensure that your claim is processed quickly and efficiently by Bryan Insurance Agency LLC, and that you can get back on the road as soon as possible.

Can Someone Dispute Life Insurance Beneficiaries and How to Avoid That From Happening to You?

Priscilla Presley recently made headlines when it was announced that she was contesting her daughter, Lisa Marie Presley’s, life insurance beneficiary and the trust set up for her grandchild’s inheritance. This has left many people wondering if someone can dispute life insurance beneficiaries and how you can work to prevent that from happening to your loved ones once you pass. Read on as Bryan Insurance Agency LLC, helping New Windsor, NY residents with their life insurance needs, helps to answer this question. 

Can Someone Dispute Life Insurance Beneficiaries?

While it is rare, family members can dispute life insurance beneficiaries. This most commonly happens when someone listed as a beneficiary has passed away, if a new child was not added to the life insurance policy, or if an ex-spouse is still listed as a beneficiary. 

How Can You Minimize the Chances of Disputing Your Life Insurance Beneficiaries? 

The best way to minimize the chances of anyone disputing your life insurance beneficiaries is to ensure you keep your beneficiaries up to date. As a general rule of thumb, you should review your beneficiary information every year. If your life has changed and you wish to add or remove beneficiaries, always obtain a notarized document stating your wishes. Additionally, prepare a will that aligns with the life insurance policy so there are no doubts about your final wishes. 

A life insurance policy can help provide your loved ones with money to pay for your final expenses once you pass away. Here at Bryan Insurance Agency LLC, serving the greater New Windsor, NY region, our team would love to help you determine how much life insurance you need and help ensure that no one can dispute or contest your beneficiaries. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our insurance agents. 

Why you need Auto Insurance In New Windsor, NY

Is it about that time of the year when your insurance coverage needs to be reviewed? Did you recently relocate to New Windsor, NY, and are you looking for an insurance agency to cover your vehicle? Consider placing your trust in Bryan Insurance Agency LLC, serving New Windsor, NY, for protection from costs that may come with unexpected accidents or the loss of your car.

Auto insurance is a necessity for everyone in possession of a vehicle. Depending on the policy, it is a requirement that you renew it every 6 to 12 months.

However, we cannot be oblivious to unplanned circumstances that may need you to visit your insurer more than when you are renewing your policy. Some of these are what we will help you prepare for:

  • In case of an accident, auto insurance provides security for possible damage to your vehicle. It should cover any damage caused to your or the other party’s car after a collision.
  • Paying off an automotive loan. In the event of the loss of your car that was acquired on credit, auto insurance will assist in paying off the outstanding balance to the dealership or the lender.
  • Injuries caused by an accident. Alongside your health coverage, the auto coverage will contribute to the recovery of you, the owner, or another party that got injured.
  • Loss of property in case of theft or complete damage to the vehicle. The insurance will cover any investment that may be in the car at the time of loss or damage.

Are you a New Windsor, NY resident? If you have just bought or are considering purchasing an automobile and are looking for a partner to walk you through your investment insurance, call or visit us today at Bryan Insurance Agency LLC. At Bryan Insurance Agency LLC, we will offer consultation and information. We are glad to protect you from the financial issues that may come in the event of the loss or destruction of your car.

Does My Home Insurance Provide New Home Replacement?

When you purchase a home in New Windsor, NY, it’s essential to understand how your homeowner’s insurance coverage works. One of the most critical questions is whether your policy covers new home replacements.

What is "New Home Replacement?"

New home replacement is a type of coverage that ensures that if your current home were destroyed because of a covered event—such as a fire or tornado—your insurance company would pay for the rebuilding costs up to the policy’s limits. If your house was destroyed and you had to start from scratch, new home replacement coverage would help you rebuild your home from the ground up without having to pay out-of-pocket.

What Does My Policy Cover?

Your specific policy will vary depending on the provider. Still, new home replacement policies cover the cost of building materials, labor costs associated with construction, architectural fees and permits, debris removal costs, and any additional expenses related to rebuilding your home. It may also include other living expenses, such as hotel bills, if you are forced out of your home while repairs are being made. However, it is essential to note that this type of coverage rarely includes any upgrades or improvements you may have planned for your new home. To learn more about your policy, speak with a Bryan Insurance Agency LLC representative.

Does Everyone Have This Coverage?

No, this coverage is typically only available if you purchase a separate policy rider specifically designed for new home replacement coverage. However, many homeowners in New Windsor are eligible for this type of coverage through their existing policies. It is always a good idea to speak with an experienced insurance agent.

Are you ready to add more protection to your home? Contact Bryan Insurance Agency LLC today for more information about what options are available in New Windsor, NY.